Hand Washing: Be Sure To Rub For 20 Seconds, Look At The Clock Or Count to more than 20 seconds
Stocking Make sure there are no wrinkles
Ambulate Make sure the patient has shoes on
Bedpan Do four steps with our gloves off. Be sure to empty the contents in the toilet or commode.
Denture Be sure to use gloves and be sure to place a towel in the bottom of the sink
Pulse Be sure to place your finger correctly, give call light, wash hands, and then record.
Write your number, do not say the number.
Respiration Count respirations for 1 full min, then give call light, wash hands, and then record. Write your number
Write your number, do not say the number.
PPE Grab gloves in palm of opposite hand, fold gown inwards, so not let the gown touch the floor and
remember to wash your hands at the end of the skill
Dressing Remove the left side first, then the weak right arm. Then dress the right arm followed by the left arm
Feeding Put the patient in 75 – 90 degree for feeding. Tell them what’s on the plate and also tell them what is
on every spoon
Bath 2 large two small towels. Use a clean area or the towel each time. Remember to wear gloves and remember
to test water and have patient test the water
Urinary Output Measure at eye level, throw urine into the toilet NOT in the sink.
Write your number do not say the number
Weight Be sure to have patient shoes on, Balance the scale. Take the time to get your number correct.
Then give call light, wash hands, and then record. Write your number do not say the number
ROM K/A Remember to tell the patient to let you know if they have pain before you start. Be sure to hold under
the knee and under the ankle first. Then under the ankle and under the foot.
ROM Shoulder Remember to tell the patient to let you know if they have pain before you start. Be sure to hold under
the elbow and under the wrist. Then remember to range the shoulder (abduction) holding under the elbow
and under the wrist.
Lateral/Position Be sure to raise the side rail. And move the arm out of the way. Be sure to touch the pillow
under the head and then place three pillows
Cath Care 2 large, 2 small towels. Be sure to use water and soap. Be sure to hold catheter at the meatus.
DO NOT PULL THE CATHETER. Use a clean area of the towel each time. Remember to test the water
and have patient test the water also
Foot Care 2 large, 2 small towels. Be sure to use water and soap and lotion. Remember to wear gloves and
remember to test water and have patient test the water. NO LOTION BETWEEN THE TOES
Mouth Care Position patient in 75-90 degree angle and be careful on properly handling the toothbrush
Peri Care 2 large, 2 small towels. Be sure to use water and soap. Remember to wear gloves and remember to
test water and have patient test the water. Use a different area of the towel each time.
Transfer Be sure to lock the wheels on the bed and on the wheel chair. Be sure the patient is wearing
shoes. And that feet are flat on the floor. Please give the call light and wash hands when
B/P If you are not sure call for a correction and do it again, but you must deflate completely and
you can go to the next arm if you are still not sure.
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